
“Rasa takut terhadap manusia jangan sampai menghalangi kamu untuk menyatakan apa yang sebenar-benarnya jika memang benar kamu melihatnya, menyaksikan atau mendengarnya.” (HR Ahmad)

“Raja (pemimpin) dan agama merupakan dua sejoli, tidak bisa dipisahkan antara satu dengan lainnya, karena agama adalah pondasi sementara raja adalah penjaganya, jika tidak memiliki pondasi maka akan hancur, dan jika tidak memiliki penjaga maka nilai-nilai yang terkadung didalamnya (Islam, Iman, Ihsan) akan rapuh dan segera sirna”
Assalâmu'alaikum warahmatullâhi wa barakâtuh

jadwal sholat

Akan lahir dari ilmu:

kemuliaan walaupun orangnya hina, kekuatan walaupun orangnya lemah, kedekatan walaupun orangnya jauh, kekayaan walaupun orangnya fakir, dan kewibawaan walaupun orangnya tawadhu'

07 August 2011




Our website is undergoing a major upgrade. To minimize disruption new material will be added to the new Boycott Israel page whilst keeping theoriginal Boycott Israel page intact and fully functional.

The new Boycott News section already has over a 100 new articles and will, inshallah, be updated regularly as will the new Events calendar. Other new additions will, as they are added, be shown in the "New Additions" box on the left column of the new Boycott page.

Thank you for your patience.

Visit the new Boycott Israel page

People of good conscience have chosen to boycott israeli products and companies supporting the zionist entity. Their ethical purchasing decision however is frustrated by the lack of accurate information as to which companies to boycott.

We have carried out extensive research to identify the guilty companies. All our findings are provided here. Where ever possible, we have included full references for the source of our information so that you may independently verify its accuracy and understand exactly how each company is contributing its support to israel. We thank all those organizations who's research we have utilized.

Our research is on going and we encourage you to help us with it - If you have any information regarding guilty companies please e-mail us this information with source references to or use the comments box below. Thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions
Fatwas given by Islamic Scholars

Zionist Terrorism in Cyberspace
Our web-site was closed down, read what happened


Campaign Against
Arsenal Football Club
Support For Apartheid Israel
See how you can join the campaign

Eye Witness To Massacre
Moving account of Sabra-Shatila Massacre

Case Study Of Pro-Israel Bias: Children's BBC Website


View by Brand- brands and labels to boycott

If you have additional information regarding guilty companies please email us this information with source references to or use the comments box below.


Campaign Against Arsenal Football Club Support For Apartheid Israel

Campaign Against Oxfam-Starbucks Partnership

Letter Writing Campaign
Selfridges Letter Campaign
Sara Lee Letter Campaign


Events Calendar - see whats happening around you - demos, seminars and other relevant events - regularly updated.
A to Z of Picketing - A guide to what you need to know about organising and sustaining pickets, legal considerations as well as details about existing pickets and how to join them.
Picket Diary - Activists share their experiences on the picket lines at M&S - Read their Diary - be inspired in to action! Updated every week.

Cultural Boycott of Israel - Includes information on upcoming cultural events featuring israeli participation - target details with sample letters, etc

Sports Boycott of Israel - Includes information on upcoming sports fixtures featuring israeli participation - target details with sample letters, etc



A4 Flyer with Boycott list


Handy Brochure with Boycott List


A5 flyer with eye-catching cover and on the back information on Estee Lauder, Marks & Spencer and Timberland


Create your own placards for the next demonstration! Several designs to choose from, they print across 6 pages to form a poster 57cm x 60cm - ideal for an A1 or 20"x30" placard.


Six "Boycott Israel" e-cards are now available at the Islamic Card Centre. One of them contains a good summary of what to boycott, whist the others target Estée Lauder, Sara Lee and Johnson & Johnson, and a couple with generic designs.


News articles relating to the boycott of Israel
This extensive archive has articles from media around the world, arranged in category and chronological order. Have a look to see how widespread the boycott is and the universal momentum its gathering in all its forms. The archive is regularly updated.

Academic BoycottAcademic BoycottArms BoycottArms Boycott
Cultural BoycottCultural BoycottCampus NewsCampus News
General NewsEconomic Boycott - EuropeEconomic NewsEuro News
Economic BoycottEconomic Boycott-WorldCampus NewsHoax News
Economic NewsEconomy & Trade NewsGeneral NewsOther News
Sports Boycott Sports BoycottMedia BiasMedia Bias
Tourism BoycottTourism BoycottZionist LobbyZionist Lobby
Boycott BreakersIsrael Supporters - Boycott Targets

[ View News In Chronological Order ]


Tom DeLay: A call to violence
Book Defending Palestinian Right To Resist Banned After Zionist Pressure
Coca Cola & Pepsi "Toxic" in India
Palestinian olive trees sold to rich Israelis
Children being targeted in Gaza
Mandela Slams U.S. Iraq Policy During Irish Visit
Table Tennis Player Becomes Celebrity After Refusing to Face Israeli
Israel prevents Palestinian athlete attending Special Olympics - Arabs boycott Israeli team
Desmond Tutu: Of Occupation and Apartheid - Do I Divest?
Dublin Labour MEP's call for conditional ban on EU/Israel projects
Irish Hotel Boycotts Israeli Tourists
Israel's Two-Tiered Citizenship Law Bars Non-Jews From 93 Percent of Its Lands
Israel's Latest Lie About the Church of the Nativity
McKinney's Defeat: Undue Meddling
Just How Much Does The New York Times Tilt Towards Israel?
Israel imposes 'racist' marriage law
Daimler Chrysler guilty of race bias against Palestinian refugee
Blair tells Bush: We don't want Guantanamo Britons
Political prostitutes seeking approval from Israel
USA pressures Europe into including Hamas in terrorism list
Israeli Embassy feels isolated
Hamas a principled defender of Palestine
Over 45 Human Rights Activists From 12 Countries Detained By IDF
PA Helping Zionist Occupiers
Politician Profile: Howard Dean Supports Isreali Violence
Washington to earmark $billion to isolate Hamas
North Kansas City company persecuted for boycott of Israel
Divestment Campaign On Campuses Growing
Coca-Cola boycott launched after killings at Colombian plants
The Israeli who defends suicide bombers


Select one of these banners for your web page
Recompressed for quick download (30k) & new smaller size option introduced (500 pixel width, 20k). New banners just added.


Where Is My Father?

She was three months old when her father, Sheikh Abdel Karim Obeid was abducted from their home in South Lebanon by Israeli commandos. Fourteen years later Mujahidah still waits, hoping that her father will come home...

Join the Campaign to Free Sheikh Adbel Karim Obeid


Al-Quds Day 2003 [London, November 23 2003]

Photo report of the annual Al-Quds Day march. Includes 13min video of event.

3rd Anniversary Al-Aqsa Intifada Rally [London, September 27 2003]

100,000 people marched on in support of Palestine and against the occupation of Iraq. Photo report includes around 30 speeches (in real audio format) including: George Monbiot (journalist), Dima Tahboub (wife of al-Jazeera journalist Tareq Ayyoub),

Dima Tahboub, wife of al-Jezeera journalist Tareq Ayyoub murdered by american army

Sophie & Billy Hurndall (sister & brother of Tom), Omayma Al-Khaffaf (FOSIS), Stewart Hemsley (Pax Christi), Ken Loach (film maker), Ismail Patel (Friends of Al-Aqsa), Betty Hunter (PSC), Husam Zumlot
(Palestinian delegate), Azzam Tamimi (MAB), Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London), Tony Benn, George Galloway (MP).

Free Palestine Rally [London, May 17 2003]

Photo report with over 30 speeches (in real audio format) including: Sophie Hurndall (sister of Tom), John Pilger (journalist), Juliet

Sophie Hurndall, sister of Tom Hurndall - shot by Israeli soldiers
Sophie Hurndall sister of British photographer Tom Hurndall, shot in the head by the Israeli army whilst rescuing Palestinian children
Stevenson (actor), Afif Safieh (Palestinian Delegate), Josie Sandercock (ISM), Jeremy Corbyn (MP), Caroline Lucas (MEP), Abe Hayeem (Just Peace UK), Dr Mustafa Barghouti (Health Centre, Ramallah), Rev. Dr. Michael Prior (Christian Priest), Anita Halpin (NUJ), Azzam Tamimi (MAB), Ken Cameron (TU Friends Of Palestine), Marwan Bishara (American Uni Paris), Ismail Patel (Friends of Al-Aqsa), Richard Kuper (jfjfp), Tony Benn, Daoud Abdullah (PRC), Corin Redgrave (actor).
Special features include: Apartheid Wall, Goya's Sharon Devouring Palestine, Voice Of The People and Lord Levy.

End the Occupation of Iraq Rally [London, April 12 2003]
Photo report with over 30 speeches in real audio including: Anita Halpin (NUJ), Michael Foot (former Labour leader), Felicity Arbuthnot (Journalist), Alan Simpson (MP), Imran Khan (Ex-cricketer, Politician), Ann Quesne (Land Mines Action), Bernard Regan (Palestinian Solidarity), Carol Naughton (CND), Sue Doughty (MP), Jeremy Corbyn (MP), Darren Johnson (London Asembly), Mark Seddon (Editor Tribune), Tony Benn, George Galloway (MP), Louise Christian (Human Rights Lawyer), Hamdeen Sabahy (Egyptian MP), Bruce Kent (CND), Fun-Da-Mental (Music band).

Special features include: Imam Khamenei's message on Iraq, Artists Against the War, US Troops & looting, Reconstruction Contracts, Bombs followed by Bibles, Lies & Misinformation to Divide Muslims.

Stop the War Rally [London, March 22 2003]
See Photo report and listen to over 25 speeches including: Bruce Kent, Ghada Karmi, Jeremy Dear(NUJ), Lady Hampton (NUT), Dr. Maha Elkhatil (Muslim Womens Society), Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London), Mike Rosen (Jewish anti-zionist poet), Dr. Azzam Tamimi (MAB), Yvonne Ridley (Journalist), Tony Benn, Jonathan Macarthy (Liberal Democrats) Adam Price (Plaid Cymru MP), Bianca Jagger (Human Rights Activist), George Galloway, Jeremy Corbyn (MPs). Special features include: Why the war?

Freedom for Palestine & No War on Iraq Rally [London, February 15 2003] - Photo report. With over 2 milliom people attending, its by far the largest political rally the UK has ever seen.

Quds Day 2002 [London, December 1 2002]

The annual Al-Quds Day (Jerusalem Day) rally in the UK. See our photo report and listen to the speakers. Special features: Quds Day worldwide, Sheikh Nasrallah's speech on Quds Day, interview with mother of Shaheed Muhammad Al-Durra who just gave birth on 19th Ramadhan.

Freedom for Palestine Rally [London, September 28 2002]

450,000 people demand Freedom for Palestine!

The 2nd anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Intifada saw what was at the time the biggest EVER political rally in the UK. See our photo report and listen to the speeches of John Pilger, Yvonne Ridley, Ken Livingstone, Tony Benn, George Galloway, Salma Yacoub and many many more.

Justice for Palestine Rally [London, May 18 2002]
See Photo report and listen to speeches of George Galloway, Jeremy Corbyn & John Austin (MPs), Leila Khaled, Yvonne Ridley, John McFadden (UNISON), anti-zionist Jewish speakers, Reverend Hewitt and several Muslim speakers.

Rally for Palestine [London, Apr 13 2002] - see Photo report of 100,000 people rally with special feature on news bias.

Israeli Embassy Protest [London, Jan 26 2002] - see Photo report with special feature on Vanunu.

Quds Day Rally 2001 London - see our Photo report, listen to the speakers including anti-zionist Rabbis.

Quds Day Rally 2000 London ( Quds Day Notice )


If you wish to be kept informed then subscribe to our newsletter. Whilst the boycott has dominated recent issues and is always featured, the newsletter is not confined solely to this campaign. We aim to publish one newsletter every two months, but so far we have fallen short of our target. At the last issue we had a circulation of 19,274.

See Last Issue (Sept)

subscribe unsubscribe

Click here to view previous issues


Full list of Jubilee Award Winners (companies that received special awards from Israel at its 50th anniversary celebration)
US Companies with Investments in Israel
Products List from Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories
List of Israeli Companies in the UK
Big Campaign Boycott List (PDF) - Although not updated since June 2001, its still a very informative document from PSCs BIG campaign.


The misinformation and lies the zionists disseminate is truly all engulfing. This section aims to redress this by providing well researched articles that shatter the zionist lies. Please read them, share them and most importantly use them against the zionist propagandists. If people out there dont know the truth how can they support our cause?

Case Study Of Pro-Israel Bias: Children's BBC Website

BBC's childrens website CBBC has "ready to use lessons-plans" on the middle-east conflict for teachers to print out and use in the classroom, the traget audience being 11-14 year olds. We dissect each lesson page by page to reveal their pro-Israel bias.

We suggest this case study of pro-Israel bias in a leading "educational" website be used to form the basis of a lesson on media bias to be taught at schools, and Madressa's, and by parents to their children at home. The best way to teach your children about the pro-zionist bias around them is to show them an example, one which they can understand and relate to because it targets them.

Khiam Prison - Israels Torture Den

Khiam prison was a detention and interrogation camp during the years of the Israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. From 1985 until the Israeli defeat in May 2000, thousands of Lebanese men, women and even children were held in Khiam without trial. Most were brutally tortured - some died. The photo-article is quiet graphic at times but it must be read.

Ali Kashmar was imprisoned for 10 yrs, starting as a child aged 14:

"It's really hard to summarise all that period [of imprisonment] in seconds. But I tell you something - when you die you die in a second but in that prison you died a hundred times every day."

It is important to understand what happened at Khiam as it is the only Israeli torture den that has been liberated, from seeing what went on there we can understand what goes on in the countless other "detention and interrogation" centres that we do not have access to. Next time you hear of a Palestinian being held in detention think of Khiam.

The Jews of Iraq by Naeim Giladi

After the Palestinians were uprooted from their land, foreign Jews came to populate the confiscated land. Among then, came over half a million Jews from Islamic lands. Zionist propagandists claim that Israel "rescued" these Jews from their anti-Jewish Muslim neighbours. One of those "rescued" Jews-Naeim Giladi-knows otherwise. He describes how the zionists terrorized the Jews in Muslim lands in to emigrating to Israel.

In his own words:

"I write this article to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews..."

This article shatters the zionist lie that Jews were evicted from Muslim lands because of anti-semitism and provides evidence that the zionists were happy to "manufacture" anti-semitism to the extent of murdering fellow Jews in order to further the interests of the zionist state.


Eye-Witness To Sabra-Shatila Massacre

A moving eye-witness account of the massacres of Sabra-Shatila by Dr Ang Swee Chai.

"The slaughter of unarmed children, women, the aged and the infirm was shocking. For me, I was doubly outraged that I had to discover the truth about a brave and generous people only through their deaths. Until then, I never knew Palestinian refugees existed. As a fundamentalist Christian, I had been a supporter of Israel, hated Arabs and saw the Palestinian Liberation Organisation as terrorists to be loathed and feared."

Palestine: History & Our Responsibility

A Ramadhan lecture on the history of Palestine and what our responsibility as Muslims is. Concise history of Palestine in 10 minutes!

Jews Against Zionism
Inaugural meeting. Listen to three great speakers and the discussion that followed:

Lenni Brenner - is an expert on the suppressed history of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis. He is the author of “Zionism in the Age of the Dictators” and "51 Documents - Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis".

Prof. Haim Bresheeth - a film maker, author and anti-zionist activist

Alice Coy - an activist with the International Solidarity Movement, was with Rachel Corrie when she was killed and with Tom Hurndall when he was shot. She was recently deported after spending 4 months in Gaza.

Interview - Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss is the spokesperson for the Neturei Karta International - Jews against Zionism.

We asked him about their opposition to zionism, their rejection of a two-state solution and their wish for the dismantlement of the zionist state. And on how Muslims and anti-zionist Jews can best work together to defeat zionism.

"Zionism is a rebellion
against God"

How to Campaign for Human Rights
An IHRC workshop for students on campaigning for Human Rights. Palestine formed the special case study for international campaigning.

Interview - Imam Achmad Cassiem
A veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, he was imprisoned on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela.

We asked him about Palestine. His insights based on his experience of the anti-apartheid struggle and its eventual capitulation with the apartheid regime, are very revealing and need to be studied by all Muslims, especially Palestinians.

Palestine - An Islamic Approach
A lecture by Imam Al-Asi. We have witnessed the failure of un-Islamic approaches to the issue of Palestine from Camp David to Oslo, from pan-arabism to the PA. Now listen to an Islamic approach to the issue of Palestine - a very thought provoking lecture which reflects on where we are and where we need to be and how to get there and what will happen if we don't. A must for every Muslim.

Pro-Israel Lobby - A Lobby to Reckon With
An interesting radio programme (BBC) about the alliance that has formed in America between the zionists and the ultra-right Christians culminating in a stronger pro-israel lobby.

Judaism and zionism
A lecture by Rabbi Goldstein of the Neturei Karta (Jews against zionism) in which he gives a historic overview of zionism and the creation of the zionist state, explaining its incompatibility with Judaism.

USA, Israel and the UN World Conference Against Racism
(Durban, Sept 2001)
A lecture by Massoud Shadjareh of the IHRC in which he describes what happened at Durban and how the NGO conference managed to achieve its historic declaration condemning zionism as racism and Israel for genocide, resulting in a US/Israel walkout.


If you wish to ask any questions or make comments with regards to the boycott campaign please feel free to enter your message below, then press SEND.

(All fields are optional, but if you want a reply then please include an e-mail address - thank you).

Advice to zionists: If you wish to debate or express your viewpoint in an intelligent manner you are most welcome, but refrain from childish behaviour.

A Day Of Comments. In case you every wondered what sort of comments we receive, we have decided to share with you a sample from the last 24 hours (Sat 20th April to Sun 21st April , 2002). Its worth a peek!


Islamic Human Rights Commision (IHRC) - organisers of the Marks & Spencers Boycott Campaign as well as several other Palestine related projects. Good reports on Palestine for download (PDF). Newly redesigned website - check it out!
Friends of Al-Aqsa - Good source of information on the different campaigns and boycotts in place aswell as the actual struggle taking place in Palestine.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) - organisers of the BIG (Boycott Israeli Goods) campaign. Regularly hosts seminars, etc - just look at our Events Calendar above!
Sustain - "Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now" campaign. Good information about US funding of israel and israels use of the money in terrorizing Palestinians.
Al-Awda [ Palestine Right to Return Coalition] . Several campaigns, including Intel boycott. Watch out for upcomming documentary production "Palestine is Waiting".
Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) - produce some good videos about Palestine, recommended is "The Return (Awda)" showing first hand the lives of Palestinian refugees in camps in Syria, Lebanon and Jordon. Available in english or arabic.
Occupation101 - great trailer for upcomming documentary on the israeli occupation. Well worth the download!
MPACUK - active group of campaigners, helps picket M&S every Thursday 6-8pm in Marble Arch
Boycott Israeli Goods - New site launched in the USA - current campaigns include boycott israeli tomatoes. Promising site - keep an eye on it.(NB: not related to PSCs BIG campaign).
Boycott Israel - A new UK portal for Palestine, good links with descriptions.
Palestine is Bleeding - active Canadian Palestinian Human Rights group, have arranged Hunger Strike for Palestine, protest marches, etc. New website.
Boycott Southam Newspapers - Israel “Izzy”Aspers, owners of CanWest Global Communications, Canada’s largest media corporation, have “clamped down on news, criticism, or commentary that is anything but 100 percent pro-Israeli.”. Support the boycott against their newspapers. [see boycott news item]
Al Saher - According to the chinese saying, a picture is worth 10,000 words. Well its certainly true here. Visit this site to see the struggle in photos, each annotated with a brief succinct message.


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Mengapa bangsa Indonesia harus memberikan rasa kepedulianya terhadap Palestina?
Sedikitnya ada 5 alasan yang mendasarinya yaitu:
1. Palestina adalah tanah yang diwakafkan Umar Bin Khatab kepada Umat Islam
2. Palestina adalah tempat suci Umat Islam
3. Palestina adalah Qiblat pertama Umat Islam
4. Palestina adalah negeri Isra' Mi'rajnya Baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW
5. Palestina adalah alasan Historis, Palestina mendukung kemeredekaan Indonesia


Teror... Peperangan, pengusiran dan pembantaian... Selama puluhan tahun hingga kini Al Quds bersimbah darah, air mata dan penderitaan... Namun sebelumnya, terdapat masa di mana Palestina menjadi teladan bagi perdamaian, kerukunan dan keadilan. Pemeluk agama yang berbeda hidup berdampingan sebagai saudara dan beribadah dengan semangat saling menghormati dan menghargai. Masa kedamaian ini terjadi dalam sejarah di masa pemerintahan Muslim. Kala itu, wilayah ini di bawah pemerintahan Islam setelah pengambil-alihan Palestina oleh Khalifah Umar pada tahun 637 M. Pemerintahan baru ini memperlihatkan toleransi besar terhadap kaum Nasrani dan Yahudi. Sebagaimana ajaran Islam, pemerintahan Muslim mengizinkan pemeluk agama lain untuk hidup sesuai agama mereka masing-masing. Kekhalifahan Utsmaniyyah mengambil alih wilayah ini pada tahun 1517 dan memperlihatkan toleransi dan keadilan yang sama sebagaimana pemerintahan Muslim sebelumnya. Mereka membangun suasana perdamaian dan kebebasan di wilayah yang masih menjadi teladan hingga kini. Berkat “sistem bangsa,” yang mengizinkan pemeluk agama berbeda untuk hidup sesuai keyakinan masing-masing, kaum Nasrani dan Yahudi menikmati lingkungan yang penuh toleransi, keamanan dan kebebasan di wilayah kekhalifahan Utsmaniyyah.